Adult Psychiatric Assessment Interview

A group of successful and satisfied businesspeople looking upwards smiling

What is a Psychiatric Assessment?

A psychiatric assessment interview is a set of structured topics or questions that mental health clinicians use to arrive at a possible diagnosis and formulate a management plan.

It lays out the topics that needed to be covered but the flow of the assessment largely depends on what information has been given by a patient or what topic a patient prefers to discuss.

What is special in our materials?

The outcome of the mental health assessment can literally change a person's life. Once a diagnosis is made, it will be in health records for years to come; for better or for worst.

The First Psychiatric Assessment Interview is especially important because it is probably the only time a psychiatrist will spend an hour of assessment with a patient and it is highly likely it will become the basis of the diagnostic formulation and treatment.

We therefore aim to demystify the psychiatric interview and help people  understand this life-changing interview.

This module contains:

a) Topics that are likely to be covered in the interview.

b) Forms which can be filled in to help prepare for the interview and can be subsequently downloaded in a PDF format.

c) Forms can also be saved and continued at later date. It is recommended however that files are downloaded in PDF format first because "save and continue" depends on the server and membership privileges for access.